Per Mano Isabel Maria


As the name suggests, this will be a website of projects undertaken by Isabel Maria del Aguila.

Isabel Maria's primary passion is late 16th Century Spanish gowns of the nobility, and she finds all manner of excuses to wear them (along with all the associated accoutrements). She is particularly fond of her black satin mongil trancado and white satin saya entera.

The velvet trimmed, black satin Mongil Trancado (back-laced gown) worn at Mid-Winter Coronation, 2007

Isabel Maria wearing her black, velvet trimmed, satin mongil trancado (back-laced gown) at Midwinter Coronation, 2007.

A member of the Order of the Laurel in the Society for Creative Anachronism (or SCA), Isabel Maria was recognised for her endeavours in the field of sartorial arts.

As you might expect, this website primarily reflects those interests: clothing, accessories and jewellery. However, expect forays into camp furniture, heraldic display and easy to cook food etc. (Occasional side-trips into various types of dance and nineteenth century costuming might also appear from time to time.)

Isabel Maria's Arms: per chevron vert and gules, a chevron between two fleur de lys and an eagle, or

Isabel Maria's Arms within the SCA:
per chevron vert and gules, a chevron between two fleur de lys and an eagle, or.

Isabel Maria resides in the Barony of Southron Gaard, which lies within the bounds of the Kingdom of Lochac.

Over the years, Isabel Maria has stewarded numerous events, assisted with many more and held a variety of offices at College, Baronial, and Kingdom level. At the moment, she is the Chronicler for the Barony. Isabel Maria was honoured to previously serve as Baroness of Southron Gaard, alongside Oswyn Carolus.

A member of the long standing household, Hous Amberherthe, Isabel Maria was apprenticed to Baronessa Christian Baier until her elevation.

Recent Changes

This website is, as always, a work in progress with new articles and projects being added as time permits. The most recent changes of note were:

13/05/2024 - Feast Gallery updated
29/08/2023 - Spanish Gowns Gallery updated
16/10/2021 - Spanish and Camping Galleries updated
21/08/2020 - Gowns of the Golden Age article restored
23/11/2019 - Added link to Persona Gubbins Challenge entry
25/02/2019 - Added pictures to Documents menu